Mobility abroad | Staff Hub Unite!

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Faculty & Staff

Mobility abroad


Welcome to Unite! mobility opportunities for faculty and staff!

Join the global academic community through Unite!, where staff and faculty can move around freely. Take this opportunity to get to know nine European universities, gain knowledge, get inspired for your work, and improve your language skills. 

Read about the mobility experiences of other Unite! members and find your own.    

Unite! offers more than just mobility: it is a gateway to broaden horizons, foster collaborations and shape the future of academia on a global scale. 

Embark on a journey of professional growth and cultural immersion. Click the spaces below to discover the latest offers and elevate your academic and professional career:

Mobility manual


These guidelines are dedicated to staff members who wish to go abroad on a Unite! individual Erasmus+ staff mobility.

 More info 

Staff weeks

  I you are looking for a Unite! staff week, click below to access the offers that are currently running


Mor​e info



You are still unsure that going abroad to a Unite! university for a few days or a few weeks is really something for you? Then, read some of the testimonials of colleagues who have gone on an Unite! individual mobility, it will certainly makes you want to try!

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